The trailer of ‘Madgaon Express’ was unveiled on March 5. Produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar, the upcoming movie marks the directorial debut of Kunal Kemmu. The film features Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, and Avinash Tiwary in brand-new avatars.
The trailer which is a laugh riot, promises an unforgettable journey packed with friendship, laughter, and wild adventures.
The anticipation around the film reached the highest of heights as the makers released hilarious videos to introduce the cast, setting the stage for a rollercoaster ride of fun and comedy. ‘Madgaon Express’ follows the journey of three childhood friends who embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track.
Starting from their camaraderie to the turn event, the film promises laughter. Joining the stellar cast are Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye, and Chhaya Kadam injecting even more magic and humour into this multiverse of madness.
With its mix of humour, crazy adventures, and pure entertainment, this film guarantees a joyous ride for all.
‘Madgaon Express’ is backed by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar under the banner of Excel Entertainment, directed and written by Kunal Kemmu, and is all set to hit theaters on March 22, 2024.